Tuesday, 12 October 2010

In praise of Pamela Stephenson

Now let's get something straight here. I am not defecting from Team AnnTon. However, I am going to cheat on them a bit. Well on Ann anyway. I could never cheat on Anton. Obviously.

I. Love. Pamela Stephenson. I just love her. When I grow up, I want to be her. To the extent I have one, she is absolutely my role model.

I would like to point out that this is not necessarily a new revelation for me. I can't remember the first time I saw the infamous Janet Street Porter interview take off, but I've always found it completely brilliant:

How can you not love that?! Especially as she met her equally legendary husband Billy Connolly on the show. I just adore this sketch.

I also adored the biography of Billy she wrote some year later. It's definitely in my top 10 biographies/autobiographies I've ever read. And I read A LOT of those!

So even before she waltzed onto Strictly I loved her. But on Strictly... WOW! I'm not going to bore you by rehashing all my opinions on how good her dances are, I've done that elsewhere. The thing that has really make me develop a serious girl crush on Pamela is her attitude.

She is working damn hard, but she's also having a laugh. She wants to do well, but doesn't ultimately care what anyone thinks of her. And she can save a potential epic fall and turn it into a smiling shimmy. How is that for a life skill?!

I finally decided I was properly in girl love with her after watching It Takes Two last night. I do love a good, giggly meltdown. I don't think I can describe it. So, for your enjoyment, here it is:

Pamela. I heart you.

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